Tuesday, February 25, 2014

Coven by K.A. Young

Elise is a sorceress, different from a witch by amount of power they are able to access, due to her aunt and her cousin being kidnapped, tortured, and murdered has become the head mistress of the Coven, where young sorcerers and sorceresses are trained. She along with her begrudged betrothed have to take down the most powerful threat ever to face the supernaturals. Will their combined powers be enough? Or will unforeseen circumstances screw everything up? Time will tell.

A fabulous start to an intriguing new series. The universe is so complex involving all of the supernaturals that we've come to know and love. Also there are dark versions of many of them, that have new names and new characteristics. Also the characters are complex and interesting and easy to connect to. I absolutely loved this book. I also look forward to reading more from this author.

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