Saturday, November 15, 2014

Flirting with Magick by Leigh Bennett

A Brief Summary:
After finding a spell book Abby decides to try it out. I mean after being dumped by her boyfriend of three years, what could a love spell hurt? But as the book implied the results aren't obvious and Abby has to figure things out on her own. She has to decide between; Scott, the bassist in her cousins band, Josh, her ex, and Sean the cute guy at work. It might not be easy but then again when is flirting with magick easy?

My Review:
Abby's love life is a crazy mess, and that makes for a great story. She is a typical person, who has decided to make some changes in her life. Beginning a new job, going out with friends, changing up her views on relationships, just taking out a new lease on life. However with change comes uncertainty that is, the men, her ex who broke her heart, the rocker who might have stolen her heart, and the sweet boy next door co-worker.

I really enjoyed that Abby showed uncertainty and fear in moving too fast. It wasn't instant love. She gave everyone a chance, either to be nice or because it would be simple. That was great because that's what people do, you slip in to a comfortable relationship because you know them and its easy. Choosing someone new is scary and unpredictable. I loved how this book showed that.

All in all a wonderful book and I can't wait to read more by this author.

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